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Monday, April 13, 2009

What you need to know about rebuilt engines

Encephalon 68: A carnival of neuroscience

Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:46:16 -0700
Welcome to the 68th installation of Encephalon , a blog carnival devoted to presenting the best recent blog posts in neuroscience and psychology. Last time I hosted Encephalon I used a new format, motivated by my philosophy about what makes for good science blogging: Science blogging isn’t merely a means of recording information. The best science bloggers are expert at asking, and then answering, a question that the reader might never have even thought about before. That gives us the

Mel Gibson’s Divorce Could Cost Him Half Of His $900 Million Fortune!

Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:55:15 -0700
News broke today that actor Mel Gibson’s wife Robyn has filed for divorce after 28 years of marriage. Now we all know that couples get divorced everyday, but here is the kicker to the story. Gibson’s fortune is estimated at $900 Million dollars, and since he didn’t sign a prenuptial agreement with Robyn - she stands to take half of his fortune. This could be the largest divorce payout in history!!! US Magazine

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